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Crystal Light Therapy is an ancient technique used by Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Asiatic Indians, Chinese, Native American and Hawaiian Indians.  Crystals are usually placed on various parts of the body or used to create an energetic grid around the body, bringing cohesion within the recipients physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.  


Enochian light technology works specifically with the crystalline (water) nature of your body, through purification, cleansing and re-alignment of its electromagnetic nature. It clears emotional blocks and repairs the emotional body bringing it back into balance and re-alignment with its original multi-dimensional blue-print template. 


In these therapy sessions the practitioner will channel the vibration of the crystals whilst they are still inside the earth, transmitting the essence of the crystals to the client through the sphere of Ain Soph, infinite intelligence, wisdom, Sophionic source.  This process is multi-dimensional and works on repairing the light body system. Practitioners who have specific codes activated in their DNA act as a conduit, vessel or channel, directing the flow of crystalline light frequency into the client, channelling up to 15 different crystalline frequencies and the harmonics associated with them.

I was informed by a Lemurian Star Seed Crystal Sphere that there was no need to remove crystals from the earth to work with them. They preferred to stay inside and connected to the earth from where they originate (physically).  They impact us daily as they are apart of the global grid matrix construct. Their qualities can simply be channelled by those who have developed their light body system through the global grid matrix and the unified fields of consciousness that are composed of crystalline light.  

The practitioner will tune into the clients multi-dimensional crystalline blueprint matrix to ascertain which crystal ray(s) are required and connects with the crystal kingdom through the global grid matrix to channel that frequency into the client's blueprint template. The consciousness of the client’s own crystalline matrix will initiate the repair process with and through the crystal kingdom.



Duration:  60 Minutes

Exchange: £75:00 

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